Specialist Will dispute, Will contest, Inheritance claim and dispute resolution Solicitors
We are customer focused dispute resolution Solicitors specialising mainly in claims about Wills and estates. We handle most claims under no win no fee arrangements and we work for both Claimants and Defendants.
What We Offer
Whilst we can only deal with estates broadly based in England and Wales and/or subject to the English and Welsh legal jurisdiction, we provide our legal services across England and Wales. Many of our customers live abroad; we use the latest technology to streamline our processes and to make our services more accessible.

Our Story
Inspire Law was born in 2007 and initially specialised in insurance litigation services (which we are delighted to confirm we still provide). The practice was incorporated in 2010 and is aiming to surpass an annual turnover of £1m in the next few years.
Our Customers
The backdrop to our contested Wills and Estates work is:
A very difficult legal framework – in England and Wales it is perfectly legal to write a Will completely disinheriting ones family (there is no legal right to family owned assets in this context). Complicated intrafamilial relationships, grief and very often considerable anger
We deliver results for our customers against this onerous background time and time again. Our success mirrors our customers’ success; if we don’t win we don’t get paid.